There was ‘tension’ at Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) on Thursday 19th September 2019, as the staff went to the polls to elect a new member of Convocation to represent the non-teaching staff on the University’s Council. It is believed to be the fiercest competition ever in the recent past regarding elections in the University. There was a vacancy created in the Convocation representation on the University Council following the appointment of Mr. Ebenezer Kofi Boakye, the non-teaching Representative of Convocation as the new Registrar of the University.
This election was held in accordance with KsTU Statute 58, subsection 11(g) of the University’s Statutes which provides that, in the event of a vacancy in the Convocation representation on Council through death, resignation or any other cause, the Registrar shall notify the members of Convocation of the vacancy and conduct a by-election to fill the vacancy within 21 days. Once such an election is held, the newly elected member holds office for the residue of the term of the member whom he replaces. The election was free, fair and efficiently organised.
This election was contested by Mrs. Rita Gyawu, the Acting Liaison Officer, Mr. Isaac Owusu Ansah at the Finance Office of the University as well as Mr. Michael Adu-Kumi of the Planning and Quality Assurance Directorate. An unfortunate incident however happened when one candidate, Mrs. Agartha Luguterah who from the onset of the race was one of the contestants withdrew from the election at the eleventh hour for inexplicable reason.
A total of three hundred and seventy-one (371) Convocation members were expected to cast their votes. As at the close of poll around 4:00 pm, a total number of one hundred and ninety-six (196) members had cast their votes representing 52.83% of those eligible to vote.
At the end of the entire process, Mr. Isaac Owusu Ansah swept 83 votes representing 42.35% of the votes cast, Mrs. Rita Gyawu had 65 votes representing 33.16% while Mr. Michael Adu-Kumi had 48 votes representing 24.49% of the votes cast. The entire KsTU Community wishes to congratulate Mr. Isaac Owusu-Ansah on his election as the new Convocation Representative on Council for the non-teaching group.
Mr. Owusu-Ansah is a Chartered Accountant with ten (10) years post qualification experience and holds a master’s degree in Finance from Coventry University, UK. He has experience in Banking, Lecturing, Public finance and Educational management at the tertiary level. He is currently the Senior Accountant in charge of Finance operations at Kumasi Technical University, a position he has held for the past six (6) years. In his current role, Mr. Owusu Ansah supervises seven Chartered Accountants handling different aspects of the University’s finance operations.
Mr. Owusu-Ansah has also been a part-time lecturer at the Center for Distance and Continuing Education at University of Cape Coast and the Institute of Distance Education of Kumasi Technical University handling Accounting-related courses as well as Financial Management for the past five (5) years.
In the past, Isaac had a brief stint with United Bank for Africa as an internal control officer in charge of the Ridge, Dzorwulu one (1) and two (2) and Abeka Lapaz branches in 2012. Among his responsibilities was to ensure that the operations of the branches were compliant with the policies of the bank as well as other relevant laws and regulations of Ghana.
Mr. Owusu Ansah is married with three kids.