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Degree Programmes

Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering


The Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering programme aims at training students to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude required for immediate employment and successful career in the chemical and allied industries.

The programme has been carefully developed to enhance students’ ability to perform engineering design through creative thinking, synthesis and integration of inter-disciplinary knowledge to enable them to apply engineering solutions to national and global challenges. 


The specific objectives are to: 

Bachelor of Technology in Building Technology

Entry requirements:
Students to be admitted to the Programme should satisfy the following admission requirements:

A. SSSCE/GBCE Candidates
Passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective
subjects from the following: Physics, Elective Mathematics, Chemistry, Building Construction, Wood/Metal work, Technical Drawing/Engineering
Science, Economics and Geography.

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical/Electronic Engineering


Electrical and electronic engineering forms the basis of very important sectors of the economy. Electrical engineers provide skilled labour in telecommunications, power generation and distribution, computing systems, instrumentation, and control systems. The knowledge imparted to the students during the four years of training is expected to prepare them to work in the industry or venture into self-employment.


The objectives of the programme are to:

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